Immersive silent installation, with animated projection of paper and smoke. accompanied by text narrative adjacently placed, and as written below.
On that day, I awoke in my mom's apartment in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, NYC, to pack for my move to Boston. I turned the television on, and could not turn it off. I watched the second plane as it slid into the side of the South Tower. When the towers fell, I saw the aerial footage of the plumes of smoke emanating out of Ground Zero and engulfing Brooklyn, I realized that we were at the center of the flow.
I walked out the front door, and stood at the top of the stoop. This is an abstraction of what I saw that day. Papers that once sat atop someone's desk.
I went to highschool on the Hudson River in Manhattan, just a few blocks north from the towers. I went to see them often, and it was one of my many inspirations to study architecture. I often think of how I will never occupy the same spaces ever again. The skyline will always look naked to me.
Animation created in collaboration with Brian Bliven, MassArt Animation (MFA 2011). Thanks also to Max Azanow (set assistance) Eric Freeman (tech assistance) Johnny Chanthavong (daily set up)

Proposal Sketch

Proposal Sketch